Elisa Pesapane

Art meets science day by Teylers Museum & De Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen (KNAW)

Art meets Science day by Teylers Museum & De Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen (KNAW)



Happy to be included in the group of 40 professionals selected because of their ground-breaking artistic and/or scientific practice and their proven skills or interest in interdisciplinary ways of working.


This coincided with me working on a project where science meets art & where Antoni van Leeuwenhoek meets Johannes Vermeer with dear colleague Dirk van Delft.  During the afternoon programme the museum also orchestrated one-on-one meetings amongst the participants based on their own preferences and interests.



Loved meeting new colleagues, hearing about their projects in one of the museums that I have been visiting as long as I can remember and where I always find new things to see and be inspired.


With Marc de Beyer, Sara van der Linden, Terry van Druten, Rieke Vos, Enzo Vredegoor, Marjolijn Bol, Pelle Schilling, Mark Klein Wolt, Frans Snik, Esmee Winkel, Christy Westhovens, Mickey Yang, Kas Houthuijs, Anne Vlaanderen and many more.


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